Freitag, 26. Dezember 2008

Snowfalls triggering rockfalls

The conspicuous snowfalls since beginning of December, combined with relatively mild temperatures before and after, have triggered some rockfalls in the region of Southtyrol.
The sunny weather and the resulting mild temperatures during November have prevent the freezing of the soils, and the meltwater of the snow/ice can now easily infiltrate soil and bedrock, triggering sliding and collapsing of material (numbers refers to locations on map):

Climatic diagram for the last 60 days, line- mean 0° limit-altitude (correlating with mean air-temperature), blue bars – precipitation events (mainly snowfalls) , red bars – rockfall events.

5) 04.12.2008: Between the villages of Birchabruck and Gummer a rockfall with a volume of 150m3 occurred, blocking the street.
8) 11.12.2008: rockfalls occurring on a footpath on the "Säbener Felsen" (Klausen)
1) 16.12.2008: In the morning (3:00 a.m.), a large boulder (diameter 2m) felt on the street between the village of Latsch and Kastelbell, damaging the street, and rolling in the nearby river.
2) 16.12.2006: Shortly after midday a rockfall occurred in the village of Schlanders, damaging the backside of a house.
3)18-19.12.2008: A landslide with a volume of 5000m3 damages and covers the street between the village of Blumau and Breien.
4) 18-19.12.2008: A rockfall with a volume of 50m3 in the same area damages heavily a protection wall, only a second wall could stop the boulders and prevent damaging of the underlying street.
6) 01.12-26.12.2008: Because of high danger of rockfall and avalanches the Mendel-Pass street between Kaltern and the Province Trient is closed since the first snowfalls in the first December-week.
7) 22.12.2008: Two residents were forced to leave their home in the village Stummerberg (Zillertal-Austria), the heavy snowfalls-rainfalls caused on 8:30 p.m. creeping of a part (15m broad) of the slope behind the house.

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